Is Micro-Clustering in Alkaline Water Real?

Posted by: On April 16, 2016 9:00 am

A lot is written about alkaline water.  Some of it is excellent, peer-reviewed, solid science.  However, because of the nature of the internet and the constant stream of information and misinformation, half-truths become ‘fact’ and if a rumor is repeated often enough, then it probably becomes a statistic without many people actually noticing.

And then there are the persuasive, as yet unproven theories and suppositions that will one day become either fact or perhaps evolve into entirely new concepts.

This is what your ionizer does. But with a little less drama.
This is what your ionizer does. But with a little less drama.

So Is Micro Clustering Real?

Scientists are (mostly) agreed that water molecules probably have a tendency to associate with each other.  But that’s not micro clustering.

The idea …

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Ionized Alkaline Water and pH Levels

Posted by: On April 16, 2014 4:24 am

            Ionized Alkaline Water…what does it all mean?


Q  There is much talk these days regarding ionized alkaline water and all its benefits.

We have heard that it balances your pH level, creates an alkaline environment in your system while also breaking down the water into micro-clusters and much more.  It sounds good…but what does all that actually mean?

I wanted to know the answer and also better understand some of those scientific terms so I did some research and this is what I learned.


Three D balance PH-Scale-300x146


What is pH and what does it mean to balance it?

The term pH simply means potential of Hydrogen.  It measures the amount of hydrogen ion particles in any particular solution be

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